Well, Halloween is almost upon us again and those of us with children turn out thoughts to how we can make their evening that little bit extra special. Sure treat-or-treating and all that candy is fun but seeing them in their halloween costumes is even more heart-warming. So this year why not give the shops a miss and have more say in who you want your child will be by make your own kids halloween costume. With a little bit of extra effort your child can easily be the star turn of any halloween party or the most endearing kid out trick-or-treating in your neighborhood.
If you're going to make your child's halloween costume you'd better get started. The sooner you get going the better. Leaving yourself plenty of time means you can relax and have fun collecting the bits and pieces you need to make your son or daughter's halloween costume.
So, where do you begin?
Well, before you can make your kids halloween costume you need to decide together who or what they want to be. How about their favorite animal - a dog, cat, elephant, tiger or mouse. Or maybe a cartoon character - snoopy, a smurf, superman or wonderwoman.
Or you could go for the more traditional halloween costumes - ghosts, witches, pumpkins, ghouls and monsters.
Once you've decided on who or what you want to your child to be it's time to search for items that can be used to create their halloween costume.
The easiest place to start is at home and you can have great fun together, rummaging through drawers and the dress-up box. Look around from room to room and see what things you can find that might fit in with the halloween character you've chosen. There are the obvious items such as a bridesmaid dress which would make a great halloween fairy or angel. Don't be too fussy at first, just grab anything that catches your eye - unwanted clothing, shoes, pieces of fabric, garbage bags, boxes, sequins, socks, ribbons, buttons, sheets etc. etc. The possibilities are endless.
By spending a little extra time you should be able to come up with something a little more exciting than the hobgoblin outfits that all your neighbors children will be wearing.
Maybe you could dig through the grandmas closets or those of some older cousins or friends and if you get stuck you can always try your local thrift shop or second-hand store.
There's probably a Goodwill outlet near you where you can pick your way through the rails and check out all the clothing for more halloween costume ideas for your child. Maybe some old curtains or shoes will inspire. Perhaps an odd piece of fabric or a hat will get your creative juices flowing.
Don't worry if you can't find exactly what you're looking for. If you're feeling a bit stuck just start with anything that appeals to you and you'll get more ideas as you go along. Remember, a halloween costume only needs to represent the character you want to portray. It doesn't have to be an exact match. You're not looking for perfection when you're making your child's halloween costume.
Once you have a number of items start trying things on your child and and see how you can use the things you've found to make them a really cute halloween costume.
Always bear safety mind, however.
Most fabrics aren't flame retardant so don't use real candles in jack-lanterns.
Make sure your child's halloween costume isn't so long that they are in danger of tripping over it.
Add strips of reflective tape the dark costumes so your child can be seen easily.
If you use make-up make sure it is non-toxic and try a little on your child's wrist before putting on the face to make sure they are not allergic to it.
Ensure any props are light and bendy with no sharp edges.
Following these few tips were ensure that everyone is safe and happy so all your efforts in putting together your child's halloween costume will have been worth it.
Pauline Travers is a mother of 3 and avid fan of Fancy Dress both for herself and her children. For more unique Kids Halloween ideas visit the child halloween costume website at http://childhalloweencostumes.info Here you will find many resources and ideas whether you want to buy, hire or make your own kid's halloween costume.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pauline_Travers